Dbi Costa Rica – Exam Review

I’m a recent college graduate who is taking the DI Costa Rica test which was previously known as the Pre-Departure exam. Like many other recent graduates I was preparing myself for a jump into a new career or change of job. The reason I got the DBI exam in the first place was for the better prospects with my chosen profession. In fact my favorite profession has been working in the finance industry, so choosing something different like the DI Costa Rica exam was perfect for me.

Now I will start my story by discussing how I chose to study for the DBI Costa Rica exam. The short answer is, I chose to go with the top rated, credible university that I could afford. I went and chose a course number six out of twelve from the university list. The course number came from the university website and my prepared assessment from my tutor was excellent. Now I had all my questions ready for my journey to obtaining my certificate.

My next challenge was what type of learning resources I would use to learn my new subject. Knowing the basics of the subject was good but I needed more to understand the material and brush up on some areas I struggled with. I started my quest with the university website and quickly discovered their library of online instructional materials. I found several online videos, lectures, articles and reading material plus a lot of resources for learning the topics. From the library I pulled three books on the DBI Costa Rica exam topics of preparation and management and two books on the topics of finance and business administration.

The four courses I bought gave me the tools I needed to learn the subjects. I spent the first week studying management information systems, managing money and creating goals. For the second week, I concentrated on preparing and managing the resources I would need to pass the DBI Costa Rica exam. I purchased several lesson plans from the university website and used my Instagram account to post the videos to my account. All my work was done through the Instagram account and my efforts paid off as I passed the first test with flying colours!

The next challenge for me was the contents of the next course number. My tutor shared with me the syllabus for the next four years of study. The main concepts that he shared with me were divided into three categories which included management topics, finance topics and business administration topics. The course number was scheduled to begin in 2021 so I was excited. I was confident I would have everything I needed to pass the exam in that year’s course number. The problem was, when I went back into the classroom I did not see any charts, graphs or detailed notes of what I had learned.

The next challenge I faced was the contents of the four-year program that I needed for my certificate. I did not know the format of the program and could only search the university website to see if the topics were covered. As the course number got closer I started to feel anxious as I waited to hear whether my exam would be held in summer or winter. The syllabus for the next four years did not mention anything about the program begins or ends and I was left to guess when my trip dates and other deadlines would come into play.

The next problem I faced was the lack of support after the end of the four year program. My tutor only gave me support until the exam in 2021 and even then did not provide the support that was adequate. My syllabus and instructions did not provide a clear outline or direction to guide me towards my destination.

In order for any curriculum to be effective it needs to be taught from the ground up and address all the concepts. The lack of support and poor communication of instruction caused me to spend a lot of wasted time that I could have been using to prepare for my DBI exam. I would recommend that anyone who is planning on taking the test in Baja attend an actual classroom course, as this will ensure you have the best support available to you. Also ensure you have enough time to dedicate to your course, as once you start you cannot stop.