Today Cuban women have achieved high levels of education, but they still face many problems. The literacy rate is only 58%. The reason for this is that there is no provision of basic education in Cuba. Even though the Castro government promises better education for its Cubans, the truth is that there are no new schools built, and the ones that have been built have been made generally inefficient. This is probably one of the main reasons for the low literacy rate.
There is some argument about whether the Cuba’s system of checks and balances prevents corruption in Cuba or not. Many citizens believe that the Cuba’s system of checks and balances is so effective because it prevents grafting politicians to government posts. This is probably the main reason why there has not been a single case of grafting politicians to government posts. It is alleged that there is no public registry of civil servants in Cuba. The main source of documentation for Cubans is a Spanish language only policy, which is not used in other Caribbean countries including the Dominican Republic, Haiti, or the Cayman Islands. The result is that Cubans do not know anything about the number or names of their own doctors and cannot access health records.
The result is that the lack of an accurate and systematic civil service means that Cubans often do not get the quality of healthcare that they need. This is probably the main reason that there are so many people waiting in line in Cuba. Health care in Cuba can be very expensive and the result is that there are hundreds of thousands of people waiting for an appointment with a doctor. Without access to proper healthcare the result can be death. There is also a problem with the Cuban educational system, which is considered to be mediocre at best.
There are currently no plans to change the educational system in Cuba, but there is talk of a new government body, the National Council for Quality Supervision, or CCS for short. The creation of this new body is supposed to improve the system of Cuban medical care and to make the quality of health care better throughout Cuba. However, even though this new body may be helpful, it will do little to affect the chronic shortage of medical supplies and Cuba’s dysfunctional education system. It is expected that Cuba will not improve its health and education systems until the end of the twenty-first century. The situation does not look good for Cubans.
As for the healthcare side of things, doctors can only find enough patients because there is no proper education system for Cubans. Doctors have to work too long hours and too much in too little time, if they receive any pay at all. Without a proper education system, Cubans will be stuck relying on tourism to help meet their medical needs. Of course tourists will come to visit Cuba and most of them will be medical tourists, because the lack of medical resources in Cuba are causing many major problems right now. Tourism has brought many millions of dollars to Cuba, but without the basic infrastructure in place it is impossible to provide jobs for these new workers.
In order to show proof that Cuba’s lack of basic infrastructure and lack of effective education system is rectifying their problems and creating more jobs for locals, the Cuban government needs to create a higher educational standard for all of its citizens. The University of Havana is one of the few universities that have been operating continuously for fifteen years. In order to build a healthy system that produces the type of workers that a country needs, the Cuban government needs to give every citizen access to a higher education, and not just those that can immigrate.
Cuba does have many years of peace and plenty of history, but it is not a readymade tourism factory. This university is a perfect example of how a city can produce something that could feed its people and improve its overall economy. Even though the university is only twenty-five years old, it is one of the oldest in the entire United States and offers a very high quality of education. If the citizens of cuba can take pride in the university and all of the free products that it offers, then Cuba may soon join the growing list of Latin American countries leading the way towards economic growth and increased international trade.
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