What Do I Need To Know?

The Applied Statistic and Research Methods(AS RM) Research Planning and Analysis Laboratory is dedicated to providing FREE consultation to UNC faculty, staff and students with free statistical consultation and data collection/management, analysis and evaluation. The ASRM is a University of North Carolina program that was established in 1992 by the College of Education. This is one of the three core programs in the university that focuses on statistical methodologies for research. A master’s degree is also available.

For the students in this program, there will be an introduction to statistical analysis. In the second quarter of the first year students will take core courses that include: Statistics, Data Collection and Management, Surveys, and Language Arts and Writing. The Consulting Program has a strong focus on statistical methods and consulting methods and techniques that help in statistical analysis and presentation. During the second quarter students will have the opportunity to participate in the Master’s degree research workshop. There are consultants/contractors that work at the university that can help in providing the Graduate students with consulting services.

Graduate students in the University of North Carolina School of Nursing are able to choose from many areas for consulting services. Areas covered by the ASRM are: Children and Adolescent Development, Mental Health and Well-Being, Infant and Childhood Development, Family Medicine, General Practice, Population Health and Medical Services, Nursing Diagnosis and Treatment, and Nursing Education and Training. Students can seek help from an outside party to complete this certification or they can use the services provided within the Consulting Lab. There is a great deal of assistance that is offered to graduate students through the consulting services that are provided through the University of North Carolina School of Nursing.

There are consultants who can help the student with statistical analysis, case studies, and case history reviews. The data that is collected is used to make objective comparisons between conditions. When the consulting services that are offered are completed, it can save a consulting firm a great deal of time and money because they do not need to spend additional resources on gathering the information.

The ASPM accreditation process ensures that the graduates that enter the university system are competent and qualified in basic subjects. The program requires students to complete a minimum of 200 hours of training and experience within the four year degree program. Students are able to complete their own independent research projects, but the main focus within the program is to allow students to complete both coursework and independent study. Once the graduate students have completed the requirements and are accredited they will be sent into the Consulting Lab for their internship. During the internship they will work closely with the other students as well as the professional and graduate staff from the University.

The consultants in the University of North Carolina School of Nursing are able to collect a large amount of data on individuals who have various conditions that need to be examined. These data sets can range from the psychological and physiological aspect of the patient to the more specific aspects of their life such as job performance and satisfaction levels. These data sets can also include demographics. Having a large amount of demographic information available allows the school to create a statistical analysis that is based on the statistical distributions of the data that they have collected. They will then be able to tell what groups of individuals are at a higher or lower risk for suffering from a particular health problem or disability. This statistical information helps the school to determine whether or not they should provide insurance to these individuals or if there are certain treatments that they should only provide to those individuals suffering from certain medical problems.

Students in the consulting profession will be presented with an opportunity to present their case studies on a wide variety of different cases throughout the course of their internship. They will be presented with an issue that involves a high mortality rate or with a high level of complication within a specific group of individuals. It may also involve an economic impact on the community in terms of lost revenue and lost opportunities. Some students may present their case studies in an ethical fashion by using a public health approach. The consulting firm may ask students to conduct interviews with various individuals, collect data, analyze the data, and determine the best course of action to take for the benefit of the community. The consulting firm will then pay for the services of professionals such as investigators, legal counsel, and medical examiners.

There are many different types of consulting case studies that students can choose to focus on. Within these data sets, there are many different categories and subcategories that students can choose to specialize in. For example, if they are working with trauma or sickle cell patients, they may choose to specialize in this area of data sets. There are also specific types of data sets that will help to educate doctors and other professionals so that they can better understand the challenges that people face. Data sets that are offered through the internet on the demographics that are associated with a certain group of individuals can help to increase knowledge about the demographics of the community.